Thursday, April 1, 2021


 I am THREE. 

I need to move ALL the time. 

Not some of the time, ALL of the time. 

If I don't want to be moving you might start to worry. If you don't worry, you should. 

A stagnant three year old is not something you see often, nor should you. 

The sense of curiosity, movement, exploring and adventure is the work of ALL young children and it is not easily completed sitting still and listening to a lecture or completing a worksheet.

Is it exhausting?  You BET!

I am THREE. 

Embrace me. 

The days can be very long but the years are extremely short. 

Don't blink. 

I am THREE. 

Let me play. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! I love the idea of understanding what a 3-year-old is like from their own perspective.


A Silver Platter

  I love hard. I care deep. I wear my emotions on my sleeve.  I also offer others trust on a silver platter.                                ...