I haven't ever thought of my self as an artist in the sense of extravagant paintings or drawings. In fact, art has not been on my radar. When I try to draw something I typically find a great step by step visual to refer to and even then the proportions are off and the drawing is not to scale. I can create and excellent dog using these steps but in real life the dogs head would be so large it would never be able to walk. HA! Give it a try and see how you do.
Is that what an artist is? Creating a master drawing using step by step instructions or a visual in your mind? Could it be abstract art like the photo above? Is it creating a beautiful image to hang in a business or home or is there more to art? I haven't given in much thought.
Is teaching an art?
Am I an artist?
Wow, I haven't ever thought about it, I might be!
After looking at Saint Francis of Assisi's quote above I wanted to dive in a little deeper to each aspect that was mentioned. Let's break it down.
Teaching with my hands.
There are many times I am using my hands throughout my teaching day. I work with young children, parents and with my co-workers. I like to jump in wherever I am needed. I enjoy taking on new tasks and joining committees that support the families I work with. If I can lend a hand to get the job done, I typically will. I like to think that many hands make for light work, if we all do our part we can have a large impact on our community.
Teaching with my head.
My head is always full of thoughts and ideas. I learned one of my strengths on the Clifton Strengths Finder is Input. Input is storing of information, collecting data, resources, dates and such. Before taking the strengths finder I didn't know why I could remember all kinds of facts and details about article, conversations, or families and children in our community. After realizing this is a strength I have been more aware of how my head can enhance relationships I make with families in our community by remembering details to make connections. It also helps me to recall information in teaching to include resources or child development milestones.
I recognize that although I can name the information a weakness I have is recalling the exact source. A wise man once told me, a great student or teacher does not have all the answers but the ability to find answers to create new learning. I hold onto that not only as a teacher but also as a parent. If my children are not great at fill in the bubble tests, is that okay? Isn't in more important that they can own the information, find the resources they need and investigate life? When in life will a fill in the bubble test or reciting facts play a part in being a part of a team? If they join the Navy or need to collaborate with a team on a construction site is a scantron timed test going to help them?
Using your head is a part of becoming a craftsman or an artist. Using your head leads to new thinking and learning.
Teaching with my heart! 💓This is where my passion comes out. My heart and my passion are the center of my teaching. I get excited and energized when I am with children and parents. I wear my heart on my sleeve. When a parent is hurting, I am hurting. When a parent expresses joy and excitement I can share that with them. If a parent is in pain I feel it deep in my soul and bring that home with me.
When a child meets a milestone I jump for joy. I share tears of joy if a child with developmental delays meets their next individual goal. I live, breathe and crave these shared experiences with parents. They are joyful, painful, exciting, frustrating, happy, sad and everything in-between. I can only hope and pray that the parents in early childhood know my heart is with them and that they can come to me at anytime with anything.
Does this make me an artist?
Teaching with my hands, head and heart is something I strive for on a daily basis. When I look at a painting or work of art I can often feel the emotions the artist might be trying to portray. The artist used their hands to create, their head to imagine and their hearts to express.
When I am teaching do I do the same? I guess that is a question for the students in my parenting education classes to answer and not for me. I do hope that they see and feel my passion and my commitment to their families from day one until the end. I have told families I am there for them now and forever, I just hope they feel it in their hearts today and as they move into the K-12 schools.
Am I an artist? I am not sure, but I am on the right track!