Sunday, September 12, 2021

If we always do what we have always done, we will always be what we have always been.


We have always had leaders in our lives. At times we are the leader and other times we have a leader we look up to. Is there such thing as a good leader and a bad leader? I think so and maybe you do as well. Leaders have all kinds of traits that live within them. Sometimes a specific trait shines more than another. 

What do you look for in a good leader? I tend to look for a leader that has great communication skills, is focused on getting the job done and allows for mistakes along the way. In addition, I feel it is important for a leader to admit when things might not be going as planned and listen to others while maintaining a results focused vision. Trust is a word that comes to mind. Will a leader trust the group they are leading in admitting mistakes and changing the course as needed. 

I also feel that energy is a trait that I look for in a leader. Is this person able to energize the group and does their passion shine in the work they are doing. 

On the flip side, I have been under some terrible leadership as well. This is evident when there is room for gossip, a leader allows for his or her mistakes to be covered up, they can do no wrong and seem to have a bit of blaming or shaming inside them. Sometimes a poor leader will make decisions and demand action without an explanation as to why or what the end result is. Relationships with a team are not a strong and trust is not obtained. 

I can give an example of leaders I have had in my life that fall into both categories. If we made a column for the good and the bad I could list them by name and how they fall into my life in different positions I have been in. That also feels wrong. Did some of these leaders have more training than others? Where are their hearts? I feel your heart leads you in many situations.

 I also feel that the way I feel about leaders personally impacts which category I would place them into. Before I knew what I looked for in a leader I used my feelings to categorize leaders. As I have gotten older and placed in many different situations I have started to use logic to identify a good leader. Is this a person that is able to learn and grow or is this a person that will always do what they have always done expecting different results? I think a strong leader has traits of showing love and establishing relationships. I believe they need to be energized by the work they do and have passion to drive their goals. I also feel like they need to be honest and trust worthy. Does this person do what they say they will do or what people want to hear? 

If we always do what we have always done, 

                                                      we will always be what we have always been. 

How will you become a leader in your daily life and impact others with your love, energy, passion, honesty and bravery. To lead we must be brave. Begin brave involves taking risk and being a part of a team that will be supportive with those risks that are successful and those that might need to be adjusted. 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with the part of your blog talking about leaders needing energy! For me, I am a person that feeds off of others around me. Someone could be so passionate about something but if their delivery on it is lack-luster, I am not excited for it! Heck, if someone is wanting me to teach from inside a cardboard box and they believe in it and have the energy to back it up, I will give it a shot!


A Silver Platter

  I love hard. I care deep. I wear my emotions on my sleeve.  I also offer others trust on a silver platter.                                ...