Sunday, October 31, 2021

November: A Time for Reflection

 As we end the month of October and move into November the first thought that comes to my mind is giving thanks. We all know someone that states something they are thankful for each day of November or writes notes of gratitude each day and reads them or posts them on Thanksgiving day. 

I ponder if I should be a person that does that. Each day write a little note of gratitude and reflect upon them at a later date. I know I would for sure start with air in my lungs, without that do we really have anything? I would include God as my rock and my foundation. Of course family and friends would be at the top of my list along with a roof over my head and food on our table. 

It is fairly easy for me to wake up and be in awe of the sunrise. The portrait that is new every single day continues to amaze me and many times leaves me speechless. I enjoy each new day, praise God for granting me one more day on earth and consider how I can make a difference. We really only have one "today" and it is my job to Keep my Day (as Willow Sweeny would preach). 

I recognize that I am not wonderful at starting a month long task and sticking to it. In this regard, I don't believe it would be beneficial for me to write my praises each day and reflect at the end of November. Instead, I can sum most of what I am thankful for in the image below. Everyday that I wake up I feel grateful for the time I get to spend with people that I love is an extremely precious day. I am a people person. I want to be with my family and friends. I am content sitting at home enjoying my family. I love that our door is always open and people just stop by unannounced but furthermore I am grateful that they feel comfortable stopping by. In my career I am able to connect with families in our community and not only get to know them on a daily basis but for years to come. This connection is something that fills my spirit and keeps me going. People, I can be grateful for people. 

Each day we wake up is a blessing. 

Each day we are able to spend time with those we love is a day to be cherished. 

November is a time for reflection. A time to reflect upon how we spend our time and who we choose to spend our time with. Making the time for the people that are important is up to you is a choice. Tomorrow is not promised, but today is! What will you do with your day and more importantly who will you spend your day with?

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Like you, I am not very good at keeping to a commitment. But I like the way you approached it. As long as you wake up each morning and find those little ways to be thankful, I think you found the true meaning. I have been focusing on this exact thing on my way to work. Lately the sunrises have been amazing and they start my day off on the perfect note. On my way to work, I think about those students who don't or didn't start their day off like mine. How as their teacher can I change that? What can I do to help them find those moments and be thankful for what they have?


A Silver Platter

  I love hard. I care deep. I wear my emotions on my sleeve.  I also offer others trust on a silver platter.                                ...